Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Low Water Landscapes at Home

     Although summer is great for shorts and swimming, it is also drought season in San Antonio. While we are handling the landscaping in public spaces, you can install low water landscapes at home (and get some money for it)! SAWS offers a rebate program to encourage residents to help keep the aquifer at optimal level and spruce up their curb appeal. Have no idea how to plant xeriscape? Have no fear, SAWS and the San Antonio Botanical Gardens make it easy!

     SAWS defines "xeriscape" as "using plants that require less water to survive and using objects such as bricks, rocks, benches, gravel and deck areas instead of water-siphoning grass" ("7 Steps to Xeriscaping." SAWS). While some people get a mental image of a bare yard with nothing but cactus and tumble weeds, there are actually many attractive, lush, and colorful ways to xeriscape your yard. You do not necessarily have to give up all  your grass either! Whether you like Cottage Garden, Spanish Courtyard, Wildscape, or Hill Country styles, the Botanical Gardens showcase native water-saving plantings in their "WaterSaver Lane" exhibit to fit your taste (to see a full description of styles and tips, click here: http://www.saws.org/conservation/outdoor/WaterSaverLane/)


Hill Country

Spanish Courtyard

     To make sure the plants you are buying meet SAWS's criteria of "xeriscape," you can visit their simple and organized approved plant list here: http://www.saws.org/conservation/outdoor/plants/index.cfm.


"SAWS Approved Plant List." SAWS. SAWS, n.d. Web. 8 July 2014.
"7 Steps to Xeriscaping." SAWS. SAWS, n.d. Web. 8 July 2014.
"WaterSaver Lane." SAWS. SAWS, n.d. Web. 8 July 2014.

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