Thursday, July 3, 2014

Patriotic Reflection

As we take time out tomorrow to celebrate the birth of this great nation, let us all take a moment to reflect on the beauty of our national landmarks as well.  Did you know that we have landscape architects to thank for much of what we see when we visit our landmarks?  Think about that if you are able to watch A Capitol 4th and fireworks show from our nation's Capital.

We have Frederick Law Olmsted, known as the father of American landscape architecture, to thank for the beautiful grounds you see surrounding the United States Capitol.  According the the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, in 1874, Congress passed legislation to make Olmsted the Capital's first landscape architect.  In Olmsted's original design, the White House, Capitol, and other government agencies buildings were to be linked together in order to be symbolic of a strong union; however, cost and budget forced him to change the plans to develop just the 50 acres around the Capitol.  Olmsted continued as the Capitol's Landscape Architect for over 18 years where he dedicated himself to making sure "the natural beauty of the grounds would offer comfort and solace to visitors and city-goers," but also not interfere with the views and lines of the wonderful architecture on the Capital." ("Olmsted's Capitol Landscaping Plans.")

If you plan on watching A Capitol 4th, let us know if you took time out to notice the landscaping and if you think Olmsted achieved his goal.  Post your thoughts in the comment section.

Have a safe and meaningful 4th of July holiday!  Enjoy the outdoors!

 "Olmsted's Capitol Landscaping Plans." U.S. Capitol Historical Society / Capitol History / Featured Historical Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 July 2014.

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